
5 Tips To Build a Culture of Reading


An early reading culture has long-term benefits. Children who grow up reading and having a desire to read every day learn to thrive and become successful learners. Reading supports brain health, promotes cognitive development, improves communication, and expands vocabulary.

While reading is very important, and many parents desire to raise lifelong readers, it can be challenging to develop a habit of reading at home. Here are simple tips to help you build a consistent culture of reading.


Develop A Growth Mindset Approach

A growth mindset shows your child that books are wonderful. It means having books all over the home, constantly using words like, “books are amazing”, I really love this book”, this book is so funny” or referring to a book when a child mentions something exciting. It is simply creating awareness with your child that books are amazing.


Appeal To Interest

A child’s interest is key to creating a consistent reading culture. Children learn by interest. Finding books that appeal to your child’s interest gets the ball rolling. This can be several concepts when your child is much younger or a specific concept when they are a little older. Develop a list with, have fun, and suggest topics that will appeal to your little one’s imagination. Go on a book treasure hunt at the Library or local book store. Be sure, your child is involved. Create a small library of favorite books accessible to your child anytime of the day. Contact me if you need help creating an individualized list of books for your child.

Be Consistent

For a younger child, a consistent time of day will create a sense of security and establish reading time. An older child will benefit from a visible schedule for reading time, which also supports independence. Set aside time every day for reading – it includes reading to your child, encouraging your child to read independently, or with someone. Any where between three to ten minutes a day will support a great reading culture at home.


Be Creative

Find fun ways to encourage reading and challenge your child. Use new ideas and keep building on them. Encourage reading challenges, use goal charts, and track progress, read with other adults, act out stories of interest. Create activities to reinforce books you enjoy. Download a free 30 Day Reading Challenge and tracker to support your journey.


Motivate and Celebrate

Keep motivating your child with reading goals achieved. Be specific, mention exactly what was done, talk about the process, and the challenges. Help your little one be proud of what they achieve and celebrate each step as they grow into a lifelong reader. Many children decline from reading with this idea: “I can’t read.” Encourage your child with this – There are many ways to read a book : 

– you can read the words.

– you can read just the pictures.

– or the words and pictures!

Give it a try.

Visit my bookshop to explore and order amazing picture books for your home library.

I’m Jamesetta, a mom and lover of children’s books. This blog is dedicated to helping parents and educators find books and resources that support children’s learning as they READ, DISCOVER, & GROW everyday. 

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